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  • 来源:m.wangmingly.com 时间:2018-12-10 20:37:03 点击:
  • Sole(独家) ‖ Memory(记忆)
    At the thought of(朝思) ‖ You want to(暮想)
    Silently(默默) ‖ No smell(无闻)
    Once(曾经) ‖ Now(现在)
    Lifeline(命脉) ‖ Stroke(心搏)
    Meet(遇见) ‖ Miss(错过)
    I want to marry(欲娶) ‖ To be married(待嫁)
    First met him 初遇他 ‖ First met her 初遇她
    Whole life 穷极一生 ‖ Love a person 钟情一人
    Hand in hand(携手) ‖ Side by side(并肩)
    North harbor(北港) ‖ South Bay(南湾)
    Adorable(萌夫) ‖ A shrew(悍妇)
    I return to the(余归) ‖ Hometown(故里)
    Naive(天真) ‖ Innocent(无邪)
    Always in his heart 久居他心 ‖ Settle in her heart 定居她心
    Nightfall(日暮) ‖ Dawn(晨光)
    Oxygen(氧气) ‖ Anoxia(缺氧)
    He wasstill 他还在 ‖ She also loves 她还爱
    Foll to him 沦陷与他 ‖ Foll to she 沦陷与她
    Angel.(天使) ‖ Devil.(恶魔)
    online.(在线) ‖ stealth.(隐身)
    Little luck 小幸运 ‖ More fortunate 多幸运
    Then goodbye(那么再见) ‖ Do not see again(再也不见)
    idiot(笨蛋) ‖ A fool(傻瓜)
    you are hare 你在这里 ‖ In my hare 在我心里
    °Smoke(烟) ‖ °Fire (火)
    Liquor(烈酒) ‖ Lonely(孤独)
    Iris(鸢尾) ‖ Lancome(兰蔻)
    Vampire(吸血鬼) ‖ Chaser(猎人)
